Johndro, L. Edward (1882-1951)

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Johndro, L. Edward (1882-1951)

Astrologer L. Edward Johndro was born in Quebec, Canada, on January 30, 1882. Around the beginning of the century he moved to Lockport, New York, where he was introduced to astrology by Edward Wykes, the manager of a children's home in Lockport who had an interest in the subject. Johndro was also intrigued by the new field of electronics and worked as an electrical engineer during World War I(1914-18) and after the war attended the National Radio Institute. His understanding of electricity and electromagnetism greatly affected his approach to astrology as he felt that changes in the electromagnetic energies might account for astrological phenomena.

Johndro's first astrological writings were two books on the fixed stars that were published in 1929. Fixed stars, those brightest stars that form the major points of light in the night sky, have had a role in traditional astrology, with each being assigned characteristics much like the planets. The conjunction of planets with fixed stars of related characteristics should manifest in the individual's life. In this instance, Johndro's work has been largely forgotten, in that contemporary astrologers have largely dropped consideration of fixed charts from their work.

In his attempt to build an electrodynamic theory for astrology, Johndro discovered a point on the chart that he called the electrical ascendant, now generally called the vertex. He considered this point the most fated, i.e., least susceptible to choice, in a person's chart, hence of vital importance in any interpretation. Another astrologer, Charles Jayne, discovered the same point on the chart and also incorporated it in his horo-scopes. However, the process of locating the vertex is a somewhat sophisticated mathematical operation and few astrologers adopted it as part of their interpretive scheme. They had more appreciation for his attempt to build a scientific rationale for astrology in his 1929 book, The Stars, How and Where They Influence. He also proposed an alternative theory for the manner in which planetary rulerships operate.

In 1936, Johndro began a professional relationship with a colleague, W. Kenneth Brown. They consulted with prominent businessmen whom they advised on financial investments. In this business, Johndro and Brown utilized not only the birth charts but conception charts, charts of the planetary positions at the time their clients were actually conceived. Johndro believed that the conception charts show how creative people think or "conceive" of things, and hence had a vital role in predicting their financial life. Johndro continued in this work for the rest of his life.

He died on November 11, 1951. His wife died a short time later as she was phoning to make his funeral arrangements. While Johndro's approach has largely fallen out of favor with the ascendancy of psychological perspectives on astrology, he was highly regarded during his life for the technical nature and mathematical precision of his work. In 1978, the Association for Research in Cosmecology created an annual award named for Johndro acknowledging achievement in technical astrology.


Brau, Jean Louis, Helen Weaver, and Allen Edwards. Laurouse Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: New American Library, 1980.

Johndro, L. Edward. The Earth in the Heavens. 1929. Reprint, New York: Samuel Weiser, 1970.

. A New Conception of Sign Rulership. Washington, D.C.: American Federation of Astrologers, n.d.

. The Stars: How and Where They Influence. 1929. Reprint, New York: Samuel Weiser, 1970.

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